Help OrderWorks Creative Studio become part of the AW ecosystem in a meaningful and involved way.

For 65 000 TLM per month

Cost Breakdown :

542 TLM/H ($12.10 USD per hour) x 120 = 65 000 +- TLM

Time Dedicated to AW

40H a week / 120H a month Bi-weekly meetings (Monday - plan and discuss milestones / Friday - Week wrap-up)

Average Industry hourly rate per profession

Graphic designer average hourly rate - $15 to $24 USD Content Creator average hourly rate - $20 to $29 USD

Social Media Marketing average hourly rate - $14 to $35 USD

You get the idea…

Orderworks creative studio dedicates their entire work month to AW and any creative, social, marketing or event endeavors the grant planet undertakes. (The proposal is open to individual planets as well as to the federation collectively, if planets all agree the cost will be 11 000 TLM per planet per month)

Skills and services rendered -

Graphic design, Layout & web design, basic 3D & video editing

Print, Content & Media Design, Creative writing

Voice acting, Jnr Game dev Project & Community management, Social Media Marketing

Project onboarding

Research & Prototyping

General admin, Data capturing

The studio undertakes to prioritize AW in all aspects.